Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Political Cartoons

    Through a sociologist perspective it is perceived that today's youth is far too caught in the latest fashion trends (judging from the female's way of dressing) and in what celebrities are and are not doing to find any interest in voting. Political issues completely bore them as they'd rather indulge in various celebrity scandals than even consider taking part in important presidential elections.


  1. I don't believe that the way you dress should be considered a factor affecting the voting. It's the disinterest teens have towards government since they are conditioned constantly to like certain things and to pay attention to the social media, as you said. It really has nothing to do with wardrobe, it has more to do with the mental disconnectedness teens have with politics, but your political cartoon definitely does embrace the idea that people prefer to educate themselves on who is the winner of American Idol rather than voting .

  2. I agree with the statement on teens preferring to vote for the next American Idol winner rather than the next president and other future leaders. I also believe the purpose of the clothing on the female illustrated in the picture was to help the audience pin point that it is a teenager and not a regular adult voting. The message is quite clear and holds true; for the most part E! news most definitely has more teenage viewers than CNN does.

  3. I definitely agree with you on how teens now much rather prefer to vote for American Idol than a presidential election. It's amazing how this generation of teens are completely uninterested in these elections who basically determines who's going to run the country you're living in and rather vote for a singer. This political cartoon completely shows the main message it's trying to give of, which is how teen are disconnected and bored from our country's politics and prefer to indulge themselves in pop culture and other not necessarily important things.
