Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Political Cartoons

    Through a sociologist perspective it is perceived that today's youth is far too caught in the latest fashion trends (judging from the female's way of dressing) and in what celebrities are and are not doing to find any interest in voting. Political issues completely bore them as they'd rather indulge in various celebrity scandals than even consider taking part in important presidential elections.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Boring, Sentimental, Fundmental Texts

   Fighting the urge to fall asleep during class is not my idea of an exciting time nor is it my ideal way to spend the first two hours of second period. Staring down at my packet, I feel a sense of utter dread as I see the Declaration of Independence we'll be reading for a class that's not even history. Was this some form of psychological torture?
   Although every teenager probably finds this form of activity to be slightly lacking in the fun department, it's a big help to our very limited understanding of literature. These texts provide us with an introduction to a unique form of writing which teaches us valuable history lessons that us students aren't exposed to in our everyday lives. I mean, what sort of history teacher assigns you the English Declaration Bill of Rights to read and then helps you analyze every single bit and piece of literature? Not mine, that's for sure.